Great Collaboration and Work to keep Rubicon OPEN for ALL

Part of education that often is not noticed is working on the trail and collaborating with others.  The Tahoe National Forest Service reached out to us, Friends of the Rubicon, Jeepers Jamboree, and the CA OHV Division to get some much-needed work on Cadillac Hill & Observation Point not to make it easier but to keep the trail preserved and open for all.

Joe Chavez, the Tahoe National Forest OHV Resource Tech put together this great PowerPoint presentation.

The picture above was to stabilize the bottom of Morris Rock, reducing siltation and damage from oil spills. Using RTF trailers, large rocks were loaded and brought to the site by volunteers, and then placed by the excavator. This creates a rocky challenge for trail users and prevents future damage…win win!

The Rubicon Trail Foundation is federally recognized, non-profit organization dedicated to the future health of the Rubicon Trail.  The Rubicon Trail Foundation acts as the support for Rubicon work projects, Friends of the Rubicon, and as a liaison with local government organizations. This support can range from getting approval for projects from the appropriate agencies, to feeding the volunteers, to buying the supplies needed to maintain the trail. We also fight the efforts of others to close or restrict use of the Rubicon Trail System.  All funds raised help to enhance the future health of the Rubicon Trail, while ensuring responsible motorized year-round access.

Our Officers and Directors represent a wide variety of Rubicon Trail users and supporters.  These include trail users, land owners, county representatives, manufacturers, and Rubicon event organizers.  For more information on getting involved or supporting the Rubicon Trail Foundation please call us at 888-678-2426 or visit our website at

By Brett Joiner Education Trail News