Trail Parts Program

The Rubicon Trail can be unforgiving. One minute everything is fine and the next minute, it's not.  Parts break. 

Lost a drive shaft on Walker Hill



The Rubicon Trail Foundation started a Trail Parts Program in 2021, and the response to donate old parts was overwhelming, in a good way. 


Nothing beats good vehicle maintenance, but sometimes bad things just happen.  The Rubicon Trail Foundation tries our best to be available on the HAM Repeater to listen for vehicles that need assistance.  If we have the part, we'll try our best to figure out how to get the part to you.

Used drive line delivered to Walker Hill

The delivery of parts starts with you! Are you upgrading parts?  Got useful used parts laying around?  Rubicon Trail Foundation has created a form to submit your parts to us.  We'll review our current inventory and the need of the part and let you know.  Example: Shocks are useful, but you can get home without a shock.  Steering box? Not so much.


Please use the form below to submit your parts donation!